“Where are we going? How are we getting there?”  And the answer?

We are heading to appreciating Jesus.

Just a bit of context, I’m currently undergoing a gap year program focusing on God’s Word and cross cultural mission. Read more about what it is on my first blog, My Journey on The Bridge.

In the coming weeks, an average study week looks like this: one New Testament (NT), one Old Testament (OT), one cross-cultural missions subject (Missions Perspectives), and one Theology subject (Holy Spirit, Grace & Hope). In addition, every Wednesday, we join together with the rest of SMBC students on campus to hear the word of God preached by the Principal of SMBC, Rev. Stuart Coulton during Principal’s Hour.

Today being a little special, we received little paper bags, and inside them, a bible verse neatly printed and reminding us of the greatest love ever recorded: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son so that whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life.” John 3:16. In addition, SMBC provided all of us with Bibles to keep at the college so that “we will never have an excuse not to have our Bible” ahahaha! Love it! Thank you so much!

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Introduction & Approach to the Gospels (New Testament)

This semester, our New Testament subject will be an Introduction and Approach to the Gospels (Some new that I learnt: Gospels = testimonials (Matthew-Mark-Luke-John), and gospel = the saving good news of Jesus).

When studying the Gospels, we ask, what is their purpose and effect on us? Well there’s a few reasons. The Gospels’ purpose is to present Jesus, to humble us, inspire and captivate us, instruct us, provide disciples access to their Master, to bring the whole Bible together, and of course… to save us!

Another point made clear was that we can become so complacent with how we treat the Bible. Listen to this:

Jesus walked on water.

Like he walked on water!! That’s not normal. We so often as Christians listen to God’s Word and put it aside. We’ve become complacent on God’s Word because we’ve heard it so often.

The Word of God is powerful, and we need to treat it as powerful. We need to treat God’s Word as powerful in every day and every time we listen and read it – approaching it horizontally (how they relate to each other and the rest of the Bible), and vertically (reading in isolation and to see what the author wants to teach us about God), and importantly, reading it theocentrically (reading with God in the centre).

We discover that the Gospels are not just narrative texts, they too are historical accounts and theological texts. It’s pretty cool that there is so much we can learn about the Gospels alone! Keeping in mind though that, yes the Bible may hold the answers, but you need to have questions before you have answers.

In everything, head knowledge of the Gospels is important, but growing our heart knowledge in just as important – in growing our relationship with God and preaching the Word of God. So when we are proclaiming the good news of Christ, we need to be convinced of it ourselves first – not to fear or dread it, but to take it on smiling with passion and conviction in our eyes, words and actions! That is when others will see in us – the confidence we have in the truth of the gospel.

Our interesting take-a-way question: How do we know that when the Gospels write “Jesus says” was exactly what Jesus said word by word? 

Though this introduction was just setting the scene, I am looking forward to the coming weeks where we will dive into the individual Gospels and begin to pull it apart!

Principal’s Hour

This might be my most favourite part of Wednesday – singing praises with our brothers and sisters in Christ and being refreshed with the Word of God with clarity and wisdom. Additionally, we get to hear and meet some of the missionaries and staff workers on and off campus – getting to hear God’s work in their lives.

Today’s message focused on Colossians 1:1-15, reminding us of the gospel – the Word of truth – and the hope it brings. I enjoyed this reminder, beginning our days at college, and starting our first week, so easily can we forget down the track why we are here in the first place, and what we striving to understand when everything starts piling up. “But for those who carry the weight of their sin and the burdens of their guilt, the gospel is the word of truth and grace.We cannot be have a Christian life without the Christian gospel.

But for those who carry the weight of their sin and the burdens of their guilt, the gospel is the word of truth and grace.

When we look at Paul in Colossians, we can see how much the gospel meant to him by how he responded to it – with prayer.

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Colossians 1:9 (NIV)

Your prayers are a good look in to what you value in your life. For Paul, he prayed for the knowledge of God’s will, so that…

…And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God...
Colossians 1:10 (NIV)

Are you living a life pleasing to God?

(I apologise this blog came 3 weeks late – still trying to adjust to Bible college, studying and balancing my time around.)

Please pray…

  • Continuous commitment and reflection on God’s word daily through Bible reading and prayer
  • For an open mindedness and wisdom in studying God’s word
  • That I may remember God’s love and grace in my relationships with other Bridgees

Soli Deo Gloria.