Hi all again!

So I’ve finally begun to take my step into this paradise of 4000-worded programs and units of work.

On Thursday, I started to input and collate all my ideas from my Unit Overview/Framework outline document (see in the previous blog), into my huge Unit of Work/Program. I was planning on using the Junior Secondary Music Education template from last year, until one good friend found some good exemplars online on our LMS. So far, I’ve got somewhat of an idea (rough plan) for the 6 weeks (12 lessons). I’ve been adding activities, composition activities, and more additional supporting repertoire in here and there when it comes to mind as I write.

Currently, I’m working on structuring the Unit and filling in the rest of the nitty gritty things (which, to be honest, is quite tedious – literally the same thing over, but just changing a few things to suit my unit).

Booklet & Website UPDATE!

Some good news! I’ve finished creating all melodic dictation and sight-singing exercises for my booklet and on the website. At the moment, I have roughly planned some essay questions for students to work on (but is subject to change). I’ve also been having thoughts on whether to even include these essay preparation tips into my booklet/website due to time constraints! (Should I even be thinking about doing this because of such a reason??)

Cycles and Circles with James Humberstone

On Thursday (yesterday), I also attempted to analyse the score and recording of Cycles and Circles by James Humberstone. The most I could get was a full analysis of one Track off the CD, and half of another track. (Keep in mind that this piece is an entirely open score with different interpretations for each performance – hence there are about 7 versions of this piece on the CD – performed by Ensemble Offspring).

After hours of much contemplation and scratches of the head, I waited and waited for James’ reply to my email which I had send at the beginning of the week to discuss the work with him. And finally, he replied! Yes!

So today (Friday), I went into the Conservatorium of Music, and basically had a 5-minute discussion about the bass part of the piece, finally realising that the performers were completely free to start at any melody they choose, at any place, and at any tempi (hence why I was so confused when I tried to analyse what I was listening to!). Then we moved on to filming 15-minute video interview (all thanks to the equipment with James!) where James had discuss and answered questions in regards to his composition process for C & C. I learnt a lot – including the word ‘Aleatory’ which I had never heard of before, which basically means, ‘random’, or how James would put it, “totes random”. Which is how he describes this music.


Over the past few days (Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday), I’d been extremely exhausted and physically drained. I’d been very sleep deprived because, like I said before in my previous post, I had chosen to do more than I can actually do. *Sigh*. I believe I spent waaay to much time focusing on creating my website and booklet resource (which included a routine of: create Sibelius files, export into graphic and audio file, transfer from laptop to main computer, import into Booklet document and website, format, upload audio files on Google drive, check for links… and repeat…). How tedious doing this for 3 days was. And because I had put so much of my energy into creating this imperfect resource, I am now mentally (and physically) drained into heading into programming and completing my unit of work. Though I have all the ideas in my head, and thanks to James a few more came about, just time-wise, I believe I could’ve managed it a little better. At the moment, I am quite satisfied? (I wouldn’t use the word satisfied). Maybe, at ‘peace’ is a better word, used to describe my current feeling with this whole process. I’m starting to feel less of the heavy load, as I’m understanding more that I am ‘creating to teach’, and not just ‘creating because it’s an assessment and I’ve got to get it done before the deadline’ (well-true, but not completely). Getting it done knowing that I may use it in the future, and for the sake of the students learning about music and the joy of it.

Action plan?

This is exactly what I have written on my sheet of paper sitting right in front of me at the moment,


  • Complete unit of work based on the 2 templates


  • Write 6 lesson plans
  • Create essay questions – think about essay prepataion


  • Complete resources
    • Edit James’ video
    • Complete musical analysis on C&C

Prayin’! We’re nearly there!

Soli Deo Gloria.